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Women’s College Hospital Redevelopment Recognized

我们获奖的女子学院医院重建建筑设计, 加入到2016年成功交付的现有医疗保健项目名单中.


February 9, 2017

IBI Group Recognized for Innovative Design of
Women’s College Hospital Redevelopment


TORONTO, ON (January 30, 2016) – A global architecture, engineering and intelligence firm with more than 2,500 employees, AG平台在医疗保健领域有着丰富的历史, 为世界各地的治疗和护理设施提供创新的设计解决方案. Together with healthcare teams, patients, and the public, AG平台的医疗保健+实践致力于在建筑环境中创造最佳的医疗保健结果. 该公司在多伦多女子学院医院重建项目的创新建筑设计最近获得了认可, 加入到2016年成功交付的现有医疗保健项目名单中. 女子学院医院(WCH)是安大略省第一家以病人为中心的门诊医院, 现在是一家卓越的学术流动医院,在妇女健康方面处于世界领先地位.

In late 2016, Women’s College Hospital received The Silver Award for Project Development 来自加拿大公私合作委员会(CCPPP). 在设计过程中,社区和居民的全面参与给CCPPP司法小组留下了深刻的印象.

Additionally, IBI Group Project Architect David Wood, 以及合资伙伴珀金斯·伊士曼·布莱克, 陪同的还有病人护理执行副总裁 & 在奥兰多WCH接受门诊创新 2016 Generative Space Award for A Place to Flourish. 评委们评论说,该设计承认“妇女在获得所需医疗保健方面面临的健康差距和障碍……以尽量减少忧虑,并提供综合和健康护理。.“该奖项侧重于通过创新环境设计改善人类健康的项目, which as a result, allow individuals, organizations and communities to flourish.

AG平台于2010年开始从事女子学院医院重建的复杂交付工作. “我们的主要目标之一是希望增加医院在社区中的实际存在和参与,” said IBI Project Architect David Wood. “我们能够最大限度地提高未来的灵活性和适应性, 结合彻底的研究和精心规划,在标志性建筑内为不同的护理团队设计了多用途的检查/治疗室.”

被描述为不让人进医院的医院, 这个最先进的设施专注于巩固初级保健, chronic disease management, surgical services, diagnostics, and mental health programs, all delivered on an ambulatory and out-patient basis.

AG平台在2016年获得奖项的其他著名全球医疗保健+项目包括: Queen Elizabeth University Hospital & Royal Hospital for Children in Glasgow; and community mental health facility, Woodland View, in Ayrshire, Scotland.

About IBI Group
IBI Group (TSX:IBG) is a globally integrated architecture, planning, engineering, and technology firm with over 2,500 professionals around the world. For more than 40 years, 其专业人士帮助客户创造宜居环境, sustainable, and advanced urban environments. AG平台认为,城市必须以智能系统来设计, sustainable buildings, efficient infrastructure, and a human touch.

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